July 12th, 2023

Day One

We arrived at Mt. Bachelor, and the kids were excited. They got their backpacking clothes and gear and checked in with the medical team. They introduced themselves to their groups and met the adult facilitators. Each kid shared about themselves, and each group engaged in team-building exercises.

They learned to set up tents and assembled their camping chairs. For dinner, we served pasta salad and various types of hot dogs, along with refreshing watermelon and popsicles.

They were educated about the principles of Leave No Trace and the importance of cleaning up their garbage. We also discussed the significance of staying hydrated and using sunscreen. Each kid utilized their journals throughout the activities. They enjoyed playing the game "Insanity" and learned to use the buddy system whenever they ventured away from the group.

JULY 13TH, 2023

Day Two

Groups saw some picturesque waterfalls and creeks. Kids learned about trail etiquette, checked their feet to prevent blisters, and learned about foot care. They also learned the importance of hydration. The first hike was challenging, but everyone made it up to the lake. The kids began learning about backpack fundamentals.

July 14th, 2023

Yesterday, they started their hike from Green Lakes trailhead and worked together as a team to get to Moraine Lake. The views have been incredible! They learned about Leave No Trace principles, how to pack their backpacks, and how to take care of their bodies in the backcountry. Their mindset was all about perspective.

Today, they started off with breakfast and a backpacking 101 lesson, followed by water filtration and hygiene instruction. They washed their clothes and then engaged in a team-building activity focused on values. After that, they packed up lunch and hiked to Lorraine Lake, where they took a swim, and some folks went on a day hike.

Later, they returned to camp and had some downtime for journaling and chatting. Then, the group made the best macaroni and cheese and steamed broccoli in the world! Tonight, they are going to play a circle game, have their evening circle, and head to bed. The mosquitoes are pretty bad, but everyone is in good spirits!

July 15th

Saturday 7/15 Everyone comes to life moments after the sun crests over Broken Top and pours from the ridges to ravines. Our teams each assigned leaders that were eager to tackle the day’s adventure. Team Blue “Stinky Cheese” and several participants from team red set out to test their growing hiking endurance on South Sister. They had their eyes set on several large snow fields near the 7300’ mark. It was the warmest of our days and the team leader and participants took great care in each others safety and well being. Team red explored several trails around the lake and indulged in the cooling waters of Moraine Lake.

July 16th, 2023

Today we had to bid farewell to our homey Moraine Lake campsites. Team red was perched up on ridge and was spoiled with epic views of Moraine Lake and South Sister. Team Blue was secluded with its own stream and small waterfall that doubled as a shower. The teams assigned their leaders for the day and the effective delegation and team work had the sprawling campsites neatly tucked away into packs and stuff sacks. Our goal today was a 3.5 mile hike out of the Moraine lake area to Green Lakes Trailhead. Shortly after hitting the trail we got a glimpse into the areas volcanic past as we crossed a solidified lava flow. Both teams munched through the old growth forests and joined up with the cascading Fall Creek. Upon reaching the trailhead everyone was shuttled to Todd Lake Trailhead and a 1/2 mile hike to our campsites. The hike took little out of everyone’s energy reserves and there was plenty of fun and laughter late into the evening topped off with several unique versions of s’mores.

July 17th, 2023

After a day of hiking, a night of stories, teens were slow to rise today. Traditionally a day of clothes washing and resting, everyone had a slow morning and eventually made their way down to the lake for some swimming. Pizza’s Mac and cheese and smokes were highlights.

July 18th, 2023

For some today was a summit adventures while for others it was a second rest day in preparation for a summit tomorrow! Highlights included water toys, swimming, fishing, mountain stream bathing and epic views!

July 19th, 2023

While some hiked down, others hiked up!!! But everyone celebrated with a pizza party!

July 20th, 2023

All good things come to an end! After 9 days we had our final check ins and said goodbye.

Volunteer highlight reel!

We could not do this trip without the volunteers. Our team consists of physicians, nurse practitioners, facilitators, mountaineers, even the military joins us to support our logistics. None of these professionals are paid for the hundreds of hours they offer See You at the Summit. Their dedication, expertise and commitment to these teens is incredible and they are the glue.