We are changing the quality of life and outcomes of adolescents diagnosed with cancer, using immediate interventions and advocacy supported by long term research. Here’s how:
See You at the Summit uses a therapeutic wilderness approach to help teenagers experiencing cancer reclaim their lives and personal sense of power. On medically supported wilderness trips, teenagers connect to peers living the same challenges, cultivate resiliency, and immerse themselves in the healing power of nature.
See You at the Summit focuses on adolescents 13-18 years old with cancer, during a vital stage of their psychosocial development. The goal is to support teenagers during their diagnosis and treatment to help them process their experience.
Our curriculum was developed specifically for young adults, using current research and guidance from professionals in the field. The combination of immersing in nature, connecting with other teenagers, and summiting a wilderness challenge encourages a therapeutic transformation in how adolescents view themselves, their illness, and their future.
We are filling the gap in age-appropriate programming with early intervention.
AT SEE YOU AT THE SUMMIT everything we do is focused on empowering teenagers affected by cancer. Our facilitated programs, our team, and our research are devoted to improving these young people’s lives during and after a cancer diagnosis.
“In addition, it has been established that greater perceived control over one’s life and the course of illness improves quality of life outcomes in the adolescent population.”
Some of the details…
Participants can still be in treatment.
We focus on teenagers.
We have fun!
Our programs are crafted to their needs.
We provide the gear.
Research and evidence is our foundation.
Our staff are seasoned experts.
We build relationships so we can change lives.
Our medically supported trips are 100% free.
"When they accomplished the summit, they realized they WERE capable, and this realization enabled them to recognize their inner strengths and to develop sense of personal empowerment."
~ Adventure therapy for adolescents with cancer.
Stevens, B. et al. 2004
Thanks to amazing funders like you and support from these brands we offer this program free to teenagers.
Join us in making a difference in their lives.
We believe you can! Questions? Reach out.
On our expeditions all equipment and support are completely free of charge.