Whose ready for 2024 See You at the Summit!?!

Here we go….

July 17th, 2024

Day One

We are changing it up this year and starting at Todd Lake as our base camp. The plan is to spend 2 full days getting to know each other and learn all about backpacking gear. Come back to see how it is going!!

JULY 18TH, 2024

Day Two

July 19th, 2024. Hitting the trail

July 20th Moraine Lake

July 21th, 2024


July 22, 2024

July 23rd 2024

July 24th 2024

July 25th, 2024

Volunteer highlight reel!

We could not do this trip without the volunteers. Our team consists of physicians, nurse practitioners, facilitators, mountaineers, even the military joins us to support our logistics. None of these professionals are paid for the hundreds of hours they offer See You at the Summit. Their dedication, expertise and commitment to these teens is incredible and they are the glue.