August 14th, 2019
Our first day was filled with getting acquainted to gear and each other. The participants knocked it out of the park and have already started to bond and express themselves. Amongst these eight teens we divvied up the amazing equipment that has been donated by our generous corporate partners, and it will shortly be put to great use. Spirits are high and there is a sense of friendship and excitement in the air. Our day ended with some live music and stretching, and the volunteers could hear the teens’ whispered conversations in their tents as they extended well past lights-out.
August 15th, 2019
We started out with teambuilding exercises and some instructions and how to pack your backpack, the principles of Leave-No-Trace camping, and fitting the teens with all of the amazing gear that has been donated by our sponsors. Today was a short hike in terms of mileage, but with 1000 feet of climbing, which was very strenuous. The teens did fantastic, however, achieving Moraine Lake in time to make dinner and turn in for a well-earned night’s sleep under an amazing full moon.
August 16th, 2019
Day two: this was a rest day during which the teens made their own breakfasts, filtered water from Moraine Lake, and spent time stretching and teambuilding. They spent the afternoon swimming before we dived into more of the SYATS curriculum, which is designed to foster resilience and autonomy in the face of life’s challenges. The teens are opening up with each other and sharing their stories. What an amazing group of young people!
Dinner brought with it a bit of entertainment - we upped the challenge with some Mac and cheese that required directions. (This also proved to be challenging for the volunteers :) After a little Mac and Cheese soup we were given the opportunity to surprise one of them.
We were so excited to welcome one of our participants to adulthood with her 18th birthday. We celebrated with a surprise birthday cake hauled up from base camp by our tireless volunteers. She also received a camping hammock and a circle of gratitude shared wth her by her new friends.
August 17th, 2019
A good morning stretch… and hike to Green Lakes. These teens took on their second hike with full packs and a hot sun. Our first day with our two teen leads the ladies took charge and navigated our way to Green Lakes with very little trouble.They are getting their routine down when it comes to setting up camp and tending to their basic needs. In addition a Croc cult was formed in honor of the donated lounge and swim footwear. Another night was spent under the stars!
August 18th, 2019
We woke up just east of the lower green lake. The sun was quick to great us as we slept on a ridge. Things got packed up in the morning and spent the first half of the day team building and writing in journals. We hit the trail around 2:30 to head southeast towards Todd Lake. The days leaders were Josie and Evan. They both decided to split the group in two and the slower half leave first. There was 6.5 miles ahead of us (so far the longest distance) and a overall descent of 350 feet. Our leaders did a great job managing the group and picking appropriate times for breaks. We covered our distance and walked into camp at 7:24. In all spirits were high and conversations extended through the entirety of the hike. We capped the day off with homemade pizza, a lot of laughter and some wonderful music by the camp fire.
August 19th 2019
… much needed REST DAY!!!
August 20th 2019
What a great day!
August 21, 2019
Our last day on the trail the teens woke up to a beautiful sunrise at the base of Broken Top. The team leads for the day lead us through the backcountry to our final destination of Three Creeks Lake.
August 22nd, 2019
Volunteer highlight reel!