Leaderboard, Points, and Prizes!
There are a total of 1,000 points to be earned. Starting right now! Buy your tickets before March 6th and earn 50 points!
Get on the Leaderboard today!
Buy your tickets before March 6th 50 points
Invite another team to the event 75 points
Register your team name 50 points
Secret Bonus points:
Find the movie quote somewhere in the event page and email us the movie and character who said it! 25 Points
1,000 points to earn the night of the event!
In each room, you will fill out a Google form with your team’s guesses! Submit those as you progress from room to room, and check the leaderboard to see how you are doing.
Make sure to stop by the food tables and bar to keep up your strength!
Miss a few points, catch up with cash donation
Maybe you guess a wine wrong, or perhaps ice cream, trivia, and strangers are not your thing - that’s okay. We are here to have a little fun but also to do a little good. You can buy some extra points on the leaderboard with a cash donation to support the 2024 Summit trip.